International collaboration with visiting researcher Prof. Lisiane Closs
The project is excited to welcome Dr. Lisiane Closs, Professor in the Graduate School of Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre, Brazil (ranked #1 among the Brazilian federal universities). She will be giving an introductory guest lecture on 9th May at 11am at The University of Melbourne (further details are here).
Lisiane will be working as an honorary visiting fellow in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. She will collaborate with the Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change (ILETC) project until January 2020 and will conduct a research project on Innovative Learning Environments in Higher Education within the University of Melbourne and other Australian universities.
Professor Closs has been working on research in the fields of managerial education and learning in management and currently coordinates a 4-year granted research project on Learning Environments in Higher Education and a 2-year research project on Teacher Training in Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs in Management under the Perspectives of Graduates.