Schools as Community Hubs International Conference – Registrations now open

This guest post has been prepared by the Building Connections: Schools as Community Hubs ARC Linkage project in association with LEaRN (the Learning Environments Applied Research Network). Earlier this year, we had a guest blog post from the Building Connections: Schools as Community Hubs ARC Linkage project. Led by ILE+TC Project’s Dr Ben Cleveland and Associate Professor Clare Newton, along with MGSE’s Professor Janet Clinton and RMIT’s Associate Professor Ian McShane, the three-year ARC Linkage project will undertake research into how school infrastructure can be better used to support communities.

The relationships between schools and communities are often complex. Educating young people invariably remains the principal goal, yet additional objectives commonly emerge. As cities around the world intensify and societal dynamics change, pressure on schools to become ‘more than a school’ appears to be increasing. These considerations have shaped the conversation that led to the conception of an important event in 2020 for the Building Connections team, the Schools as Community Hubs International Conference in December 2020. 

The Schools as Community Hubs International Conference explores the expanded roles of schools, investigating how and in what ways schools may offer more to their communities – historically, currently, and into the future. This unique academic conference will be held online, over two half-days on 3rd & 4th December 2020.  The event will feature presentations on practice-based insights and academic analysis of schools as community hubs initiatives from Australia and North America. Presentations will be accompanied by full written proceedings.  The program allows for detailed discussion and delegate reflections. 

The Learning Environments Applied Research Network (LEaRN) is pleased to invite registrations to this academic conference. Registration fees are AUD$95 full price and AUD$45 for students. 


For enquiries please contact Sarah Backhouse, Project Manager

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