You can access the presentation slides for most of the speakers and videos of the sessions. Speakers are listed below in program order.
Day 1
Keynote, Philip Idle, Do you see what I see? Slides
Session 1A: Research to inform the early stages of designing and building an ILE
- Dina Sorensen & Caroline Lobo, Imagining Learning Environment Design through Research in Practice.
- Nicholas Salmon & Erin O’Reilly, Lessons from a seasoned furniture whisperer. Slides
- Dr Marian Mahat,Co-creating learning spaces in higher education.Slides
Session 2A: Research informing implementation of an ILE
- Andrew Kim & Aileen Strickland, Ecosystem of educator experience + evolution.
- Dr Anna Peterson, Inhabiting educational design: leveraging teachers’ lived-experience. Slides
- Michael Stewart, Reimagining educator preparation from the community to the classroom.
- Taryn Kinney, Applying organisation change model to educational transition.
- Chris Bradbeer, Enacting teacher collaboration in Innovative Learning Environments: Reifying pedagogical ‘ownership’. Slides
Session 2B: Research informing implementation of an ILE
- A/Prof. Wesley Imms & Dr. Marian Mahat, Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change: Shifting teacher practices. Slides
- A/Prof. Wesley Imms, Plans to pedagogy: Developing teachers’ spatial competencies. Slides
Session three: Workshop activity and discussion
- A/Prof. Wesley Imms, Dr. Marian Mahat & Chris Bradbeer, An opportunity for in-depth discussion and exploration of the issues raised in Day 1.
Day 2
Session 4A: Research informing implementation of an ILE
- A/Prof. Jill Castek, Designing studio-based learning environments that promote equity and inclusion. Slides
- Dr. Mira Gambhir, Empowering girls through pedagogy and space design.
Session 5: School tour and presentation. Slides
Session 6: Research informing consolidation, inhabitation and evaluation of ILEs
- Dr. Lennie Scott Webber & Jim French, Student engagement index research for grades 9-12: Third pilot in a series.
- Prof. Gary Natriello, Early lessons from a learning space designed to support ambitious learning, teaching and research. Slides
- Hui Soo Chae, Real time location tracking in innovative learning spaces. Slides
- Mario Chiasson, Learning space contributing to the process of computational thinking.